which invites Singers from all over the world to participate

01. Singers of all nationalities, ages and genders are very welcome.
02. Excellent Japanese pronunciation. It is not necessary to be fluent in the Japanese language, but perfect pronunciation is a MUST.
03. Record and send a Demo using a backtrack provided by the company. Home recording is acceptable.
      *We do not cover any recording costs.
04. The Demo must be a RAW vocal track with NO editing, mixing or any alterations.
05. 05. Backtracks provided by the company MUST be used for the Demo as they are in use according to publishing rights owned by the company.
06. Once a Singer has passed the audition, the Singer can choose as many songs as desired from the list provided by the company.
      The list has a section of songs that have been pre-approved by the original creators for official covers.
      Once the Singer has recorded 10 songs, the company will prepare the cover for release.

Benefits for Singers:
01. The Singer will have their cover songs released and published worldwide through the company on various platforms and compilation CDs.
      (Some exceptions select countries such as Mexico, India and Pakistan)
02. The Singer will get royalty shares from the publishing of cover songs.
      Payment schemes will be shared once the Singer has been approved. All participants will be paid according to the pre-determined rates.

01. To release cover songs, the Singer must sign a contract with the company.
02. The payment schemes and systems will be shared once the Singer’s participation is confirmed.
03. The Singer is not permitted to use or sell any songs or albums directly for any form of commercial activity.
      All sales and releases must be through or approved by the company.
04. Regarding usage of backtracks provided by the company for concerts
      The singer is NOT permitted to use any backtracks by HAF RECORDS for any concert(s) regardless of reason.
05. Regarding usage of music provided by the company on online platforms
      You are NOT permitted to upload any music files by HAF RECORDS on any online platform(s).
      If you would like to share, please use embeddable links made by platforms such as iTunes, Spotify and Amazon.
      You are NOT permitted to post the lyrics or any animated characters when sharing the song.
06. The singer will have to maintain a certain artist image as a representative of the company project.
07. There are no expenses from the Singer to participate in this project.
08. When participating in this project, the Singer is expected to be able to do a proper recording, for example, at home.
      Other recording methods (e.g. studio recording) are not part of our requirements.
10. Minors under the age of 20 will be required to be guaranteed by one parent. (For signing the contract)

This project is being announced for the 6th term and we will be accepting public applications until 18 - October - 2024.
Your deadline for completing your application is 18 - October - 2024.
To complete the application, send your Demo. The submission deadline is 30 days after the public application deadline.

Many Singers have already debuted through the company and have released many songs from the previous terms.
For further information about our Singers, please see below:
Debut singer list

Rules for demo:
01. Upload the main vocal and the back chorus ONLY.
02. For each file, ensure vocal melody placement and vocal insertion timing is correct.
03. Ensure perfect pronunciation, melody and rhythm.
04. Lyrics must NOT be changed in any way.
05. Vocal variation is NOT permitted.
06. Ensure files are in WAV file format with a frequency of 48kHz at 24-bit.
07. The main vocal and the back chorus must be in SEPARATE files.
08. BOTH files must be the same length as the backing track. They must start and end with the backing track provided.
09. Ensure files are RAW data. The files must NOT be mixed, edited or altered in any way.
10. Ensure files are compressed in .zip format if sending more than one file at once.

※Duty of confidentiality
The Singer is strictly prohibited from informing or sharing information about project(s) to any person(s).
The Singer MUST NOT even inform or share with other HAF singers.
Recently there has been an increase in breach of contract cases. Please pay extra attention.
HAF RECORDS will not accept singers who violate their contract to participate in any project(s).

Application Form
Please fill the form below and click Send Application

 Song ID for Demo

  *Mandatory field

 Your Artist Name
 Avoid names which sound like a Japanese name.

*Mandatory field

*Mandatory field
  Please choose based on your biological vocal placement, based on your
  biological build. For example, even if you identify yourself as male,
  if you have not had a voice change you may have a female voice.
  This question is more for profiling your “voice gender” as some publishing
  companies create songs and melodies for a particular “voice”.

*Mandatory field

 Your Nationality or Region
*Mandatory field

 Your Website Address

 Your Facebook Address

 Your Twitter Address

 Your Telephone Number
*Mandatory field

 Your E-mail Address
*Mandatory field

 Your Profile


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